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The business is unique in the fact we are a full logistics company that takes ownership of its clients, products, and shipments, based on our clients Forecast.  For many years we have used excel and various other methods to keep track of some of the largest US appliance manufactures.  This was time consuming and required a lot of manual input and in addition has caused us to hold a higher inventory level than we desired.  Invertech Corporation and their MRA product has now been integrated in place of excel and the other various methods we use to use, and it has already saved us many manpower hours and helped in keeping a steady flow of JIT inventory which has prevented multiple errors, caused  before by manual input.  Invertech has worked with WBS and custom designed the software to fit our needs and provided the support we need.  Now WBS is able to focus more time on developing new business, if you would like to learn more about WBS please visit our website at www.world-buying.com






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