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Invertech Corporation Software Products


Thank you for considering Invertech Corporation software. To find out more about each of our available applications you may scroll through this page for a list of all products or click on the primary category below:

For any additional questions or to schedule a free online demonstration please contact us at sales@invertech-corp.com.



Invertech MRA?/font> - Material Requirements Analysis


Invertech MRA?/font>  is a decision support utility designed to assist any company that maintains inventory with the vital analysis and planning activities required to manage inventory more efficiently. With a direct integration to the most popular accounting packages, Invertech MRA?/font> will analyze sales, forecasts, purchasing, inventory and bill of material data to determine your material requirements. The resulting analysis details part requirements for procurement and/or manufacturing required to satisfy your company demand. 


Click Here for more details on Invertech MRA?/font>                                             Back to Top



Invertech MRA Plus?/font>  - Material Requirements Analysis PLUS Manufacturing Resource Planning


Invertech MRA Plus?/font>  was designed to do for production and capacity what Invertech MRA?/font>  has done for material requirements. Completing the loop, Invertech MRA Plus?/font>  uses material requirements generated by Invertech MRA?/font>  to more accurately plan your capacity requirements and scheduled production activity. 


From pre-production planning through the analysis of job costs, Invertech MRA Plus?/font>  has become an indispensable tool for many companies. Incorporating critical data from the shop floor, production scheduling is created faster and more accurately, allowing you to review and adjust each schedule before production starts. Detailed activity can then be entered on a job-by-job basis tracking labor, production and material usage. Production information can then be analyzed, providing the immediate feedback needed to improve overall plant efficiency.


Click Here for more details on Invertech MRA Plus?/font>                                     Back to Top



Invertech MRA History - Sales Analysis and Statistical Forecasting Model


Invertech MRA?/font>  History is a set of forecasting and sales analysis tools designed to collect store and analyze your host accounting software sales data. Using this critical data to examine, evaluate and predict your sales activity has never been easier. 


Invertech MRA?/font>  History gives you the flexibility to create forecasts based on both historical sales data and calculated economic order quantities. The resulting forecast analysis can be displayed in a variety of forms. Generated forecasts may be used by Invertech MRA?/font>  as a source of demand when calculating material requirements. Quickly see the contribution each product and or salesman makes to your companies overall business plan. Invertech MRA?/font>  History is another quality tool from Invertech Corporation allowing you to maximize your companies software investments.

                          You must have the Invertech MRA?/font>  software to use Invertech MRA History.


Click Here for more details on Invertech MRA?/font>  History                                Back to Top                         



The Peachtree Add-On Utilities were developed to give Peachtree users the additional capabilities they need to run their businesses more efficiently. Utilizing a direct link with the Peachtree database, you can continue to use your existing accounting software while still benefiting from the additional functionality included with Peach Pro Suite.


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